Meet the Artist on Saturday, February 19th: Kayla L. Prigg

“Memories and their Impermanence” by Kayla L. Prigg will be on display in the Library from February 19th through March 16th. Visitors are invited to a “Meet the Artist” reception on February 19th from 12 noon—2 pm. Masks are required.

“Memories and their Impermanence” explores the changing nature of memory and the varying ways memories fade. Each memory is unique in how it’s remembered, often affected by its relationship to objects and actions. The emotional impact of a memory on an individual directly correlates to how clearly and frequently the memory is brought up as well as the time between the event and the time of recall. This show explores these differences through a variety of pieces.

Kayla L. Prigg is a fine artist based in Buffalo, New York. She earned her Bachelor of Arts at the State University of New York at Fredonia. Her work has appeared in exhibitions at the Cathy and Jesse Marion Art Gallery, the Emmitt Christian Gallery, and HallWalls Contemporary Art Center as well as several online galleries including the Buffalo Art Wall, The Vacant Museum, and Light Space Time.

Friends of the Library Annual Meeting November 19th at 1pm


Notice of the 2021 Annual Meeting

 You are cordially invited to attend the Annual Meeting of the Friends of Barker Library on Friday, the 19th of November at 1:00pm  in the Steele Room of the library at 7 Day Street in Fredonia.  All members and everyone from the community are invited to attend.  This is a great opportunity to learn about “The Friends” and their impact on the success of our library and meet the library’s new director, Graham Tedesco-Blair.  Due to COVID concerns masks are required and no refreshments will be served.  We look forward to seeing you.

Agenda for November 19th Annual Meeting

Call to Order

Secretary’s Minutes

Treasurer’s Report

Business of the Day

                Revisions to By Laws

                President’s Report

                Election of Officers

Other Business – Librarians’ Reports


Revisions to By Laws

Article V: Section1 second sentence, duties of president

                He or she serves as Chairperson of the Executive Committee and presides over all meetings of the organization.  (Change Committee to Board)

 Article VII Section 1

                The annual meeting is to be held on the third Wednesday in October.  (Change to: in the fall.) Members just be notified in writing at least two weeks prior to the October meeting. (Remove: October)

 Article VII:Dues

                Membership dues are payable in February at the time of the annual fund drive. (Remove: in February)

 Proposed Slate of Officers (Two year term)

President                 Jeanne Frerichs

Vice President           Ann Murphy

Secretary                 Karin Lewis

Treasurer                 Marcia Drayo

Director                   Barbara Barnes

Director                       Judy Elwinger

Director                   Jessica Lustig