January Storytimes – Mondays at 10:30AM for Preschoolers and Tuesdays at 4:15PM for All Ages from January 6th-January 28th
The series of small drawings framed in silver is the result of hours of close observation given to plants our culture usually deems unworthy of artistic portrayal. They honor small and neglected patches of plant life within spaces often thought of as human territory. We trim and cut back unwanted growth throughout the warmer seasons, only for the resilience of plant life to show itself time after time. The plants shown here are providers of pollen, poison, nourishment, and facilitators of important chemical processes. Some are invasive, others native to our North Eastern region. Some were once prized and cultivated but are now left to grow as they will without notice or care. All of the tangles depicted here thrive of their own accord, without aid or interference from human hands.